Modmight by elkar comics

This is actually my best Nigerian comic on comic fury.
Lagos based college boy with super powers? What's cooler than that?!
I commend Julius Elkardon for that master piece.
Here's a short story preview on this masterpiece gotten from the official site on comic fury:

"16 years ago a nebula cloud hit the earth, West Africa was the most exposed to the radiation from the blast. The radiation affected most humans, and these humans developed powers at a certain age of their lives. ONE of them is Jason Nwadialo, he was just 2 years old when the nebula cloud hit earth.The signs of knowing if a person was affected by the nebula cloud wasn't there until they reached the stage which their powers begin to manifest. It was not until the day of his 18th birthday, the start of adulthood that his own powers manifested."

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